we have a common interest, and we hope to further our cause. as we stand now in america, the economy is measures its progress in terms of the gross national product. this system is dependant upon exploytation of nature. the current war for example is getting us out of a ressesion. i.e. death = progress and the g.d.p. goes up!! in the future it is not unlikely that our present time in the history of the world may be called the second dark ages. it is time for real progress.
it is time that corporations reap the financial responsible for the damage they sow. this is the key to the industrial hemp movement, and consequently most other activist organizations that compose the world justice movement. as many of you already know hemp is the key to world prosperity. when we rewire the global economy so that life=progress hemp will be the most profitable substaince on the planet and will then be utillized by all industries.